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Term Fees

30 MIN CLASS -$113 including GST


45 MIN CLASSES - $136 including GST


1 HOUR CLASSES - $160 including GST




  • $25 family discount with 2 members dancing

  • $35 family discount with 3 members dancing

  • $10 multiple class discount (2 classes per week)

  • $15 multiple class discount (3 or more classes per week)

  • All discounts apply if paying within the first month of term only.



Terms and Conditions:

-Fees can be paid by cash or internet banking 
-All discounts apply if paying in the first month of term only.
-All fees must be fully paid by the end of week 4 of each term.  Failure to do so will result in a $25 penalty being added to the outstanding balance and only fully paid up dancers will be accepted into classes after this date.
- If fees remain unpaid for 3 months your invoice will be lodged with Baycorp Debt Collection Agency.  At this time their collection fees will be added to the outstanding total and all further correspondence will be with them.
-No refunds on dance fee, examination fees, performance fee, and costume deposits for the end of year show.

-Fees are invoiced per term not per class. Missed classes will not be refunded.

Timetable 2025
Term 1 - Subject to change

Proposed term 1 2025 TT photo.png
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